




.Columbus circle.

. Monument to the discovery of America. Night Madrid. Columbus square (Plaza de Colón). Monument to the discovery of America Monument to the discovery of America. Night Madrid. Columbus square (Plaza de Colón). Monument to the discovery of America The clock tower of the Crédit Agricole Bank building. Night Madrid. Columbus square (Plaza de Colón). The clock tower of the Crédit Agricole Bank building .. Clock tower of the Crédit Agricole Bank building. Night Madrid. Columbus square (Plaza de Colón). The clock tower of the Crédit Agricole Bank building .. Night Madrid. Columbus square (Plaza de Colón) Monument To Christopher Columbus. Night Madrid. Columbus square (Plaza de Colón). Monument To Christopher Columbus The monument to Christopher Columbus was opened for the four-hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America. Night Madrid. Columbus square (Plaza de Colón). Monument To Christopher Columbus .Previously, the monument stood in the South-Eastern corner of the square, now only the pool of the fountain remains . Night Madrid. Columbus square (Plaza de Colón)

The beginning of Recoletos Boulevard.

Night Madrid. Columbus square (Plaza de Colón)

The beginning of Recoletos Boulevard.

Night Madrid. Columbus square (Plaza de Colón)









Театр Эспаньоль (Teatro Espagnol).

Night Madrid. Teatro Espanol (Teatro Espagnol)

Памятник Гарсиа Лорке.

Night Madrid. Santa Ana Square. The Monument To García Lorca

Памятник Гарсиа Лорке.

Night Madrid. Santa Ana Square. The Monument To García Lorca

За столиками летних кафе почти никого нет - сегодняшняя ночь выдалась холодной.

Night Madrid. The Plaza Santa Ana (Plaza Santa Ana)






.За столиками летних кафе почти никого нет - сегодняшняя ночь выдалась холодной.

Night Madrid. The Plaza Santa Ana (Plaza Santa Ana)

Культовый фламенко-ресторан Villa Rosa.

Night Madrid. Villa Rosa Restaurant









.Культовый фламенко-ресторан Villa Rosa..

Night Madrid. Villa Rosa Restaurant

.Таверна Guiness.

Night Madrid. The Guinness Tavern

Таверна Guinness.

Night Madrid. The Guinness Tavern

Restaurante La Catedral




Night Madrid. The Metropolis Building (Edifico Mertopolis)


Night Madrid. The Metropolis Building (Edifico Mertopolis)


Night Madrid. The Metropolis Building (Edifico Mertopolis). The Phoenix dome and sculpture


Night Madrid. The Metropolis Building (Edifico Mertopolis)


Night Madrid. The Metropolis Building (Edifico Mertopolis)


Night Madrid. The Metropolis Building (Edifico Mertopolis)


Night Madrid. Building of the society of fine arts (Edifico de Círculo de Bellas Artes)


Night Madrid. Building of the society of fine arts (Edifico de Círculo de Bellas Artes)


Night Madrid. The Metropolis Building (Edifico Mertopolis). The Phoenix dome and sculpture


Night Madrid. The Metropolis Building (Edifico Mertopolis)


Night Madrid. The Metropolis Building (Edifico Mertopolis)


Night Madrid. The Metropolis Building (Edifico Mertopolis)


Night Madrid. The Metropolis Building (Edifico Mertopolis)


Night Madrid. Cibeles Square


Night Madrid. Cibeles Square


Night Madrid. Cibeles Square


Night Madrid. Cibeles Square


Night Madrid. Cibeles square and the Communication Palace


Night Madrid. Cibeles square and the Communication Palace